Interested in Attending?

We currently do not have any Workshops scheduled. However we would like to know if you are intesrested in atttending one. Please fill this out and we will let you know when the next set of dates are.

What you will learn at these workshops

If you have ever thought about selling your company or you would like to know more about the process of selling a business, this workshop is for you. Regardless of who you select as your business broker, this workshop will not only allow you to make an informed decision on your exit planning strategy, but it will also help you to maximize your return.

Our interactive workshop includes a shorter presentation as well as multiple activities to gain hands on experience related to the process of selling your business. Participation in this workshop will teach you a new method of identifying concerns in your business through the lens of how a buyer would estimate the value of your company. This session will be held by our founder Doug Robbins and the Robbinex team.

Creating SMART goals for your business

10-5-3 Strategic Planning: A 10-year vision, 5-year goal, 3-year plan

A SWOT analysis of your company


Where is the workshop held?

The workshops are held where there seems to be high demand.

When is the last day to register?

The last day to register is one week prior to the session.

Do I have to sell my business with Robbinex if I attend the workshop?

No! Our sessions are designed with the understanding in mind that we may not be the right fit for every business owner considering transitioning their business. We ask that our strategies are not shared with other brokers, but we hope that you will find value in this content regardless of if you select Robbinex to broker the sale of your company.

Can I attend with my business partner or spouse?

While capacity is limited, we understand that owners rely on their business partner’s opinions when making important decisions. Please inform Robbinex ahead of the session if you intend to bring anyone with you.

Should I attend this even if I am not selling my business for the next few years?

Absolutely! The best time to sell your business (or plan to sell your business) is when you don’t have to. The earlier you start planning your exit, the more time there is to capitalize on your work to grow the company’s legacy and to find the ideal buyer.

What do I need to do to prepare to maximize what I learn in the workshop?

Please come prepared with in-depth knowledge of your company and some ideas about your key value drivers or major concerns. This will help you to relate to the content discussed, and we may even be able to help resolve some of your concerns.

Why do I have to sign a confidentiality statement?

The purpose of the confidentiality statement is two-fold. You can have the confidence that any details you share about your organization will not be discussed or shared outside of the context of the session you attend. The statement also protects us from competitors using the sessions to intercept communications between Robbinex and its clients.

How do I know that the other business owners in the session won’t breach my confidentiality?

A confidentiality statement will be completed by every participant. The confidentiality statement restricts all parties from sharing information they overhear from other business owners in the session.

Will I be ready to sell my business after participating in one of these sessions?

A Robbinex Workshops are a great option as your first step in exploring the process of selling your business. The sessions do not intend to provide you with a formal valuation or a comprehensive plan for how to navigate the selling process. The information serves as a strong introduction to a complex process.

Contact UsLeave us a little info, and we'll be in touch.

Would you like to receive

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Yes, but it was more than 1.5 years ago

It may be time to evaluate whether your valuation is still an accurate representation of your business.

Yes, within the last 18 months

We can work with you to update your valuation and determine the next steps to achieve your exit planning goals

No, I don’t want one

We can work with you to update your valuation and determine the next steps to achieve your exit planning goals.

No, but I am considering it !

Robbinex requires a valuation for us to list your business for sale, however, we are willing to consider accepting valuations from other providers. How can we help?