
Kiran Mann

Founder, M2M Business Solutions


Kiran is a staunch Carpe-Diemist; she wakes up every morning to experience the best of NOW, the present, and appreciate every moment of her life instead of worrying about the future. Professionally, she brings human-centric solutions to her clients, focusing on inspiring all employees, fostering an environment of workplace innovation, and delighting internal and external customers with joyous experiences. Her approach to business transformation, with her full executable service of “The Happy Organization,” results in freeing up the owners’/ leadership’s time to focus on the business, its growth, and their relationship with customers.

Kiran founded M2M business Solutions to bring customized solutions with her models & tools and support her customers in business sustainability, scalability and efficiencies amid market threats. A practitioner of employee-first organizations, she focuses on developing human skills and connecting individuals, their teams & their organizations. In addition, she believes in positive self-leadership by building self-awareness and develops abilities to “Leading Self” and “Finding Self” for work-home balance.

Celebrating every milestone completion with our customers, she is proud of recent achievements, awarded as “Top 10 Inspiring CEO 2021” and “Best consulting and advisory firm 2021, Canada.”

Her current focus this quarter is on the solution to:

• Activating Strategy, Structure and People to work together for bottom-line impact;
• Focused on building auto-pilot organizational structure;
• Helping employers to utilize time on the business and less in the business;
• Passionate to guide owners and employees to spend time with family/friends, knowing employees, customers and stakeholders are taken care of; and
• Supporting leadership on strategic planning and business growth.

Kiran can be reached by email at

Here are all our articles
Articles – M2M Business Solutions (

Here is our home to inspiration
Innovative Ideas – M2M Business Solutions (

Here is our link to Forbes profile – as a Forbes Influencer and expertise identified as Business Strategies, Scalability, Sustainability and Leadership Development.
Kiran Mann – Forbes Councils


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